Monday, November 05, 2012

CropFest T-Shirt Yarn Inspiration

 Here is my table at CropFest just before the 
demos started on Saturday morning.
 Westcott invited me to spend the day demonstrating how to work with t-shirt yarn (TARN).
 I found these buckets of bling in a box under the table. The Westcott team used them the night before when croppers made special t-shirts.   I added them to the table and I had a feeling I would be making a few new samples myself with this sparkly goodness.
 Scrapbookers already know how to decorate it was no surprise to me that the rings were being embellished.
 Once I showed a cropper how to make a strip of t-shirt yarn and then how to make the strip into a ring...they got busy.
 Each ring was different.
 I really enjoyed chatting with croppers and a few stayed to make more than one sample.
 This grouping will end up on a scrapbook page.
 One cropper added ribbon to her ring.

The rings got better and better!
 So many new ideas!
 Every time I demonstrate TARN, I end up learning a new technique!
Thank you for the invitation Westcott!

1 comment:

  1. So awesome to see you there, Carmi and looking forward to seeing you at the studio for your Kumihimo class on the 17th - we need to make some kumihimo braids with Tarn too!! Love it.

    Thanks Westcott for coming!!!! Loved seeing you all.
