Friday, August 27, 2010

Paris Silver Fabric Obsession

These two little wallets (which I will never use) lead me to the silver fabric obsession.

The first year I bought this pretty pretty wallet. I was dying to know what type of fabric the artist was working with. The silver was so soft. I could only describe it as "parachute" type fabric. Not that I have ever used a parachute. I looked for it in my travels everywhere I went in North America.

The next year I went back to the store with my friend Shoshana who knows fabric. She too loved the little wallets and I bought my second piece. The store manager told us that the artist was a sweet girl who traveled the world taking photos which she then used on these tiny bags.

Where in the world did she get this fabric?
I loved the stitching and how it popped against the fabric.

Now I had been buying silver fabric ever since I bought the first wallet.
But it was never the same.
I didn't even know what I wanted to make, but I just had to have that fabric.
Shoshana said "maybe we'll see it when we go to the fabric district." Now I cover the fabric district in my guidebook. It is huge. But we had a goal. We went to the stores that have pre-cut fabrics. You dig and dig. Looking for silver was easy though. Then Shoshana gave me the signal! She had observed a young woman in the corner with a piece of silver fabric. She was trying to get the price lowered...but there was no more discounting to be had!
So she left the fabric and we swooped upon it.
It was pricey!
But it was what I had been searching for!
We have a feeling our wallet designer was that young woman...we were not able to catch up with her, she left so quickly.

I have had that fabric in my stash now for almost four years. It was time to finally use it.
Can I just say VERY DIFFICULT!!! I have never had a worse experience trying to get my machine to sew through something. In the end I had to do some layering which allowed me to make a new piece of fabric to create these beads. I am in an online class with a great bead creator Alma Stoller, so my Paris fabrics are finally being used. My silver obsession has come full circle. Perhaps now I can do something with the gold collection......

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